January 13, 2010

1.13 ~ slacker

I have been absent. Unexcused.
I have also been distracted. By my present though, so I wonder if that is excusable.

Was up early this morning. Quiet house. thinking.
I went out to smell the morning ... took these ...

I love macro photography and used to get some decent results with my old point-and-shoot.

I read somewhere (can't remember where, but thank you, sweet soul) that you can improvise a macro shot by taking off your lens and turning it around. Your only means of focus is to pick a spot, hold your breath and click. You get crazy depth of field.

You also can't get complete control with this method, so the results are unpredictable.
Sometimes unpredictable is a good thing.

It gives a soft, swirling, blurred edge to life, don't you think.

... and that's where I am right now ... soft, swirling, blurred edges.

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