September 17, 2010

day ... oh, good grief ...

It's official. I really suck at this blogging thing.

My deepest apologies.


May 4, 2010

Day??? ~ bad blogger, bad ...

No excuses for absence here... just begging forgiveness with the following...

Winter. Yes. I know. Snow.

A milestone birthday for the snow bunny above. It had an animal theme...

... and a visit to the SPCA.
No. She did NOT get to come home with us. :(

And of course, Spring finally came (yay!)...

... and Robotics season finally ended (boo!)...

Then there was a "terrific" spring pig... er, play...

And a charity auction with my gal pals...

Now, the kids are finally getting outside to find treasures...

... and now that my semester is over, I hope to get out there myself and bring back my own.

Promise to share.

March 17, 2010

3.17 ~ irish breakfast

I know, I know... apologies to my ancestors...

but, breakfast today was too much fun.

February 6, 2010

2.6 ~ carolina winter

In lieu of the snow just north of us, we got this ...

Oh well. Maybe next time.

February 5, 2010

2.5 ~ project . week 2

I apologize in advance if this rambles ... it was so very enjoyable to work on this this week ...
{If you'd like to read up on this on-going project, you can find the info here.}

Here was the goal:



Part 1 - make an individual inspiration file of not only your favorite photographs/contemporary photographers but also paintings, old photos, works of the old masters, etc.

Part 2 - review these artists and works and define WHAT it is that you love about that piece of artwork, or that style of art.


Part 3 - make a specific photograph based on that influence. Explain who your influence was in for this piece and what you learned / incorporated from that artist’s work."

Finding what influences me was not difficult, I am influenced by literally everything. Now, narrowing down what I see repeatedly drawing me back to a center of reference? That was where I had to dig. What a completely deliciously self-absorbed time I had browsing old, bookmarked sites and developing a file of what I think could be a composite sketch of my core influence.

... are you ready? Here we go ...

To start, a look at my favorite painter. Andrew Wyeth.

I have a strong draw to architectural images (I am a future sustainable urban planner, after all ...). I think that the time-worn structures in his paintings are what make me go all a-flutter.

What I love most about Wyeth is the simplicity of the images.
And then there is the light --it's multi-directional-- I sometimes have trouble figuring out where it's coming from.

... and then there are the colors. muted and subtle and ... oh man.

(the color palettes for each image were made here.)



There is a very definite reflection of Wyeth in the work of one of my favorite architects, Jeremiah Eck
His contemporary farmhouses are so remarkable.

But, back to Wyeth. Here is where he really gets me -- his Helga series ...


(wanted to set up this shot, but couldn't get a model ... maybe a self-portrait?)


... are you kidding me? Ridiculous.

There is another painter I found recently that I keep visiting, drawn by her simplicity and and the same subtle colors - Ida Lorentzen. Here are some examples:

It strikes me that they could almost be the interiors to Wyeth's exteriors.

As for photography, minimalist landscapes and the simple portrait are my continued draw, in both the old masters and the contemporary artist.

Harry Callahan:



And then there is this guy --Vladimir Zivkovic. I so love what he does with a landscape.

And, lest you think I am only a sucker for a great black and white, there is the incomparable Deb Schwedhelm. I am officially stalking her now. I am very secure in that.

And one more ... because I am a sucker for a great black and white.


And, as if all of that wasn't enough, here are a few random images of other things that draw me in -- textures, colors and shapes. Feel free to tune me out at any time ...

If you are still with me, I actually did brave the "advanced" portion of the assignment. I wanted to make a Wyeth/Schwedhelm/Callahan inspired photo (how very schizophrenic of me), tying in all of the simplicity, texture, color and ambiance I discovered were influencing me. I made one in color and, of course, one in black and white.

Thank you, Jefra, for this very enlightening assignment. Heading over to check out this week's post now.

February 4, 2010

2.4 ~ early to rise

Either I can't sleep at night, or I can't sleep in the morning. It's really no use forcing the issue.

I saw 4:30 this morning and decided it was time to get up. Worked a bit on my project for the week and then got dressed and grabbed my camera. I've been wanting to shoot in a nearby field at sunrise, so this was my opportunity.

Driving out there, I was thinking about some friends. Praying for them. They have lost people they love recently and I am sad with them and acutely aware of their pain.

I saw this shot before I released the shutter and knew that it was for them.

... take care of you.

February 1, 2010

2.1 ~ birthday boy

While I haven't been posting as I should, I have been shooting.

Monday was my baby brother's birthday. He is 38. I selfishly love that for almost exactly six months out of the year, there is only a year's difference in our age.


He is a good man. He would do anything for anyone.


... happy birthday, Jay. I love you.

January 28, 2010

1.28 ~ ladybug

She is the joy in my heart.
I love her so.

... my ladybug.

January 26, 2010

1.26 ~ a project

I took this photo this morning for a project I am taking part in. This week's assignment is to take at least seventy-five shots of the same subject, choose the favorite of the bunch, along with 4 runners-up.

Below is my favorite of the five.

We are looking for our voice ...

I am really hoping to find mine.

January 21, 2010

1.21 ~ our days

Our days are filled with lessons ... and running to and from this class or the other.

But then there are the in between bits. The bits where we get to have lunch together and I get random pictures taken together (the following courtesy of my girl ...).

I am so in love with the in between bits.

January 19, 2010

1.19~ craving

there are days when i crave.

not food or sleep or ...
it's a yearning. a pining. or maybe it's just a remembering of something that fell asleep a long time ago.

it feels a lot like this ...

it's gentle and quiet, but it always takes me by surprise.
it always feels like a gift.